You've heard me mention my sweet friend, Annette, who lives near Paris, but is a "naughty Brit", right? Well, she dared me to post a picture of me "sans fard"--with absolutely NO make-up and NO Photoshop. So, yesterday when I was visiting Alex and chubby Felix, I asked Alex to take a photo...and here it is. Yikes. Do any of YOU have the nerve? Email me with your photo and I'll post it. C'mon. Don't make me be the only dork. (And YES. I KNOW I'm in need of Botox.)
Please bear in mind, I just turned 48 (yes, I'm publicly admitting it, people),on April 6th. Does that give me any slack at all? (Cringing....)
And just because, here are two pictures of Alex and Felix. Felix is teething and decided to use his Dad's ear to chew on. Funny stuff.
I have to frame this one...
I tell ya what, if I don't get some "sans fard/no make-up" pics from you guys, I'll be irritated. Seriously.
Julia, you are beautiful, with or without makeup. I can send you one of my pix...but since I don't usually wear makeup anyway, it won't be too much of a dare for me. Bottom line: I'm too lazy to wear makeup!!
I believe I said SEND YOUR PHOTOS! ;)
And thanks for your kind words, but...ugh.
xoxo ~j
You don't need me to send photos without makeup because
a) I'm a chap and
b) You already have access to many of them on Facebook.
For me dear Jules the photos you require are the ones of me *WITH* makeup...
When I get the scanner back you and Annette can have an absolute field day. x
Annette and I already HAVE the photos of you with your slap on...check out today's Sun and Mirror. ;)
Fantastic - Carter's doing his 'coming out' on your blog. Yes Carter, Julia & I have known about you for a long time now - "walks on the beach" pfff!
P.S. If i looked as good as you slap-free i'd post a pic....but i don't, so won't!
Not coming out and not in denial...
Now stop it or I'll scweam and scweam and scweam!!!!
Carter: "Scweam" like a big ol' girl.
We love you and your SECRET IS SAFE WITH US.
**Pictures to be post on Monday!! ;)
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