Friday, September 11, 2009

Today is September 11th--Take a Moment...

Yes, just take a moment to remember. 

We all remember where we were, whom we were with and that horrible sense of fear and dread as we watched the horror unfold on TV.


We all get caught up in our day-to-day lives, working, family, many things aren't really as important and worrisome as they may appear. 

Don't take anything for granted. Think about how truly blessed we are; look at the bigger picture. Tell your family and friends how much you love them. It could all be taken away so swiftly.

We will never forget.


Anonymous said...

When this happened i had just moved to South Africa, i was home sick so bad and missed my family to the point i was in tears all day long and I thought my life was the worst it could ever be. . .then it came on the radio that the Towers had been hit and were on fire with loads of ppl trapped inside. . .then i realised that i could go home any time i wanted, those poor innocent ppl could never go back home to the ppl they loved, my life wasnt that bad after all. . .

Rest in peace x

Poor Kate said...

Oh Mel. That's such a tender story. I love, too, hearing from you because you're not an American. It affected everyone...

xoxo j

Jilly said...

I also remember exactly where and what...when I heard the news. After a solid week of watching coverage on T.V. I literally had a meltdown...couldn't stop crying for days. My bf had to drag me out of the house and get me away from the T.V. I just couldn't fathom the horror that humans could do that to other humans. It still hurts my soul to remember.

Rebecca said...

i was a bit dismayed today.. i asked my co workers if they would join me in a moment of silence at 9 am this morning.. everyone declined...i was very disheartened.. it seemed like no one cared today and everyone tried to forget.. very sad.. i will never forget.

Poor Kate said...

R: You. Have. GOT. to be. KIDDING. ME.
Were your co-workers just too busy? Or are they all pissed off at our President about healthcare reform, and just didn't feel the need?

That's just shameful...but GOOD FOR YOU.

You're awesome. love, j

Rebecca said...

J, i work with a bunch of insensitive assholes... they are very much like our boxers in the way that they live in the moment.. if its not directly affecting them RIGHT there and then.. they dont care... great way for our dogs to live..thats one of the things i love about them..on the other hand it's a pretty shitty way for people to live .....that just my opinion tho...