Monday, October 27, 2008

Admit it. We're ALL scared of this happening.

No picture with this one kids. I'm not gonna do it.

A plot to assassinate Barack Obama and as many as 88 others by two neo-nazi skinheads has been broken up by law enforcement in Tennessee.

Let me rephrase that. Two dim-witted hillbillies with swastika tattoos and a shitload of illegal firearms were all set to massacre a huge population of a mostly african-american southern school--oh, and kill the black presidential candidate while they were at it, whilst wearing white tuxedos and top hats. Let me guess...all set to a soundtrack by Linkin Park or Marilyn Manson? They claim they would have died happily along with their victims and make History with a Capital H.

As disgusting (and cliche`) as this all sounds, I guaran-effing-tee it that I'm not the only one who is scared that someday this may play out in a very real and similar fashion. Our country will be forever divided and I'm not even kidding.


Anonymous said...

Makes you wonder where some ppls ideas get hatched up. It was obviously a publicity thing, judging on all the dressing up they intended on doing, and knowing how crazy the world is. . .they prob would have gone through with it too. .. yikesssss

Jilly said...

I agree with Mel; 15 minutes of fame at any price!! Shouldn't people like this be neutered at birth to prevent the pollution of the gene pool??