Thursday, December 4, 2008

Comic Russell Brand to be the new "Arthur"?

How many comics dress like this?

The London Sun

RUSSELL Brand has snapped up the leading role in a remake of Arthur.
The lanky funnyman, who recently said he'd like to work with Woody Allen, will be starring in the eponymous role of the 1981 film, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The film, which is set in New York and earned original star Dudly Moore an Oscar nomination for best actor, tells the tale of a boozy, rich playboy - Dudley - who is about to get married to a heiress.

In the movie, Arthur has to decide whether to marry the well-to-do woman to keep his inheritance or to marry a working class girl he loves and risk losing his money.

Seems people either love this bloke or hate him. I love him (and so does my MOM!). I think this could actually be a really funny remake. I hope he does it.

1 comment:

susanh4700 said...

I DO indeed love him. I saw him on a repeat of Dave the other night. MMMMMMM