Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh Great. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is Breeding Again.

Screechy Hasselbeck seen here
campaigning for McCain in 2008.

She’s the annoying and well-known staunch Republican member of “The View” panel, and now Elisabeth Hasselbeck has announced she’s expecting her third child. NOOOOOO!

The 31-year-old blonde ex-Survivor contestant and her 30-year-old husband Tim will welcome their third child into the world later this year. Oh, and according to Whoopi Goldberg, "the outspoken Republican gets more death threats than any of the other women on the show."

Ya think? Our ABC affiliate for DishNetwork was dropped over a monetary dispute. I have less stress in my life now that I don't accidentally flip on The View in the morning. Hasselbeck creates such a screechy, cross-talking bitchfest, that I just cannot watch the show.

That voice. Bleh.

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