It's called PERSONAL MAINTENANCE, people. It takes TIME. I've spent the past two days trying to look somewhat presentable for the huge holiday party we are attending Sunday night at the Westin Hotel in Seattle.
1.) Eyebrow wax. (She managed to pull some skin off this time--feels like a bad rugburn. Lovely.
2.) French manicure. No pedicure this time--I saved money and did my toes myself. A crappy job, but whatever.
3.) Hold on to your hats...EYELASH EXTENSIONS!! I think I saved us about $7000 on an eyejob by have these wonderous things applied. I adore them. See the (horrendous) before and after pictures!!
1.) Eyebrow wax. (She managed to pull some skin off this time--feels like a bad rugburn. Lovely.
2.) French manicure. No pedicure this time--I saved money and did my toes myself. A crappy job, but whatever.
3.) Hold on to your hats...EYELASH EXTENSIONS!! I think I saved us about $7000 on an eyejob by have these wonderous things applied. I adore them. See the (horrendous) before and after pictures!!
Ugh. Droopy lids, eyeliner, mascara, full-on shadow...
I did my research on this, girls. I found The. Best. In. The. City. It's called the Dina S. Good Salon in Belltown (Seattle). I had no IDEA the outcome would be THIS fantastic. Dina is a doll and made me very comfortable. I actually fell asleep during the process. She has such a feather-touch during the application. I just CANNOT imagine going to anyone else. LOVE her.
4.) James (the giant baby boxer) had to go to the groomer. NO, he's not going to the party, he was just a little, well, sour. Now he smells like sugar cookies. They use Paul Mitchell doggie shampoo and Italian conditioner made with sugar and oatmeal. Mmmmm.
5.) I took the Royal Baby Felix to (bleh) The Walmart to pick up skincare for Hunter, who has a meeting at his modeling agency in the city tomorrow to discuss his future. AWESOME.

So. I'll try to finish the 3 or 4 posts I've half-assed started....bear with me?
After re-reading this post, I can tell I've been talking to Patrick more than usual (6-7 times a day--no exaggeration). Everything sounds WAAAAY more "fabulous" than it truly is in reality...except for the eyelashes--they ARE that fabulous!
As I said on BF, you look mah-velous. Love the eyelashes sweetie. As for the pedicure...It's winter. You live in Seattle. Who's going to be showing their feet? Bleh. They can get over it if you do, ha ha!!
Tell Hunter, Good Luck. He also looks mah-velous.
a. have you tried threading your eyebrows? I swear by it. So much better then waxing.
b. your eyelashes.
To. DIE. For.
something like that will be a dream splurge one day when my kids feet stop growing so damn fast.
3. your son is super good looking. hope the modeling agency was smart and signed him.
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