Saturday, April 18, 2009

Madonna Falls Off Horse AGAIN.

Too busy posing for cameras, I'll bet;
and that horse was Photoshopped, too!

BY George Rush and Jotham Sederstrom DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS
Saturday, April 18th 2009, 9:35 PM

"Madonna was tossed to the ground Saturday when her horse was startled by photographers while riding on a Hamptons estate.
The Material Mom was rushed to Southampton Hospital with minor injuries and bruises after a fall while riding at the Bridgehampton farm of celebrity photographer Steven Klein.
It was the second tumble in less than four years for the equestrian, who was released Saturday night from Southampton Hospital with minor injuries, publicist Liz Rosenberg said. Rosenberg claimed the accident occurred when the horse she was riding was surprised by paparazzi, who jumped out of the bushes to photograph the pop singer this afternoon.
Boy toy of the moment Jesus Luz and others watched in shock as the helmeted mother of three tumbled to the ground.
Klein has collaborated with Madonna before, including a 2006 photo spread featuring Madge posing in equestrian-themed shots, did not return calls for comment.
It wasn't Madge's first wild ride. Madonna broke three ribs, a hand and a collarbone in 2005 after slipping from the saddle during her 47th birthday celebration. The fall happened at her England estate while riding a polo horse she was not acquainted with alongside an assistant. She called it "the most painful experience of my life."
Okay, bummer that Madonna fell again--how-bloody-EVER...she's not an EQUESTRIAN, for God's sake. She straddles horses every now and then. Any oaf can hop on a horse and FALL. Madonna's proving that. That old biddy needs to quit acting as though she was born into British Royalty, rather than the middle-class/mid-western upbringing that she continues to shun. Jesus LUZ, she's annoying. I love when I make myself laugh. And yeah, The Son of God Knows Who is back in Madonna's bed. Bleh.

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